Cobras are venomous snakes known for their distinctive hood and intimidating posture when threatened. They are found across Africa and Asia.
Scientific Name
Naja spp
Cobras are known for their defensive posture, raising the front third of their body and spreading their neck ribs to form a hood when threatened. They can perform a variety of defensive behaviors, including hissing and mock charges.
Cobras are oviparous, with females laying 12 to 60 eggs depending on the species. The eggs are incubated for 60 to 90 days, with the female sometimes guarding them until they hatch.
Cobras have a distinctive hood, which they display when threatened. Their venom is primarily neurotoxic, affecting the nervous system and causing respiratory failure in prey or threats.
Cobras have been part of human culture and mythology for thousands of years, symbolizing power and danger. They are respected and feared in many societies.
Current Status
The conservation status of cobras varies significantly across species. Some species are common and widespread, while others face threats from habitat destruction and persecution.