Farm Animals Information

Uncover the charm of the countryside and learn about the lives of chickens, cows, sheep, and other farm animals, delving into their behaviors, habitats, and roles in agriculture.


Intelligent pigs turn waste into protein, serving as a key resource in meat production and recycling.

Pietrain Pig

Pietrain pig, from Belgium, known for quality meat and black-white spots.


Sheep support textile and food sectors with wool, meat, and milk, integral to sustainable grazing practices.

Brown Sheep

Offering naturally colored wool, brown sheep enrich artisanal textiles while supporting meat production.


Alpacas support textiles, food, and agriculture with their fiber, meat, and milk, while fostering sustainable land use.

Brown Alpaca

Alpacas support textiles, food, and agriculture with their fiber, meat, and milk, while fostering sustainable land use.