Polar Animals Information

Uncover the secrets of the icy Arctic and Antarctic with insights into the lives of polar bears, penguins, and other cold-climate creatures

Toymany Arctic seals Figurine Toy

Arctic seals

Arctic seals like ringed, bearded, and harp seals are adapted to cold, playing vital roles in marine ecosystems.

Toymany Arctic Walrus Figurine Toy


Walruses, with tusks and whiskers, inhabit Arctic waters, feeding on benthic invertebrates.

Toymany Caribou Figurine Toy


Also known as Reindeer, Caribou are adapted to cold with thick fur and large hooves, known for their long migrations.

Toymany Lemming Figurine Toy


Small rodents famous for their population cycles, Lemmings are a vital part of the Arctic food web.

Toymany Musk Ox Figurine Toy

Musk Ox

Prehistoric-looking Musk Oxen with thick coats adapt to the Arctic climate, living in herds.

Toymany Crouching Lynx Figurine Toy


Medium-sized cats with tufted ears, Lynxes are solitary hunters adapted to life in the forest and tundra.

Toymany Howling Arctic Wolf Figurine Toy

Arctic Wolf

Adapted to icy landscapes, Arctic Wolves are known for their white fur and pack hunting in remote northern areas.

Toymany Arctic Hare Figurine Toy

Arctic Hare

These hares survive harsh Arctic conditions with their thick white fur, blending into snowy environments.

Toymany Walking Polar Bear Figurine Toy

Polar Bear

The largest land carnivore, Polar Bears are apex predators in the Arctic, relying on sea ice to hunt seals.

Toymany Standing Penguin Figurine Toy


Primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, penguins are flightless birds adapted to marine life with their streamlined bodies.

Toymany  Snowy Owl Figurine Toy

Snowy Owl

With stunning white plumage, Snowy Owls inhabit Arctic regions, hunting by day or night depending on the season.

Toymany Glaucous Gull Figurine Toy

Glaucous Gull

A large, pale gull of the Arctic, known for its powerful build and opportunistic feeding habits.

Toymany Arctic Fox Figurine Toy

Arctic Fox

The Arctic Fox, small and thick-furred, changes color for camouflage in extreme cold.

Toymany Atlantic Puffin Figurine Toy-2

Atlantic Puffin

Known for their colorful beaks during breeding season, Atlantic Puffins are seabirds that nest in North Atlantic cliffs.

Toymany Chinstrap Penguin Figurine Toy-side

Chinstrap Penguin

Chinstrap Penguins, with their distinctive black band under their heads, thrive in large, icy Antarctic colonies.

Toymany Rockhopper Penguin Figurine Toy

Rockhopper Penguin

Characterized by spiky plumage and red eyes, adept at navigating steep rocky cliffs, embodying resilience and agility.

Toymany Yellow-eyed Penguin Figurine Toy

Yellow-eyed Penguin

A rare gem with striking pale yellow eyes, cherishes secluded nesting spots in New Zealand's forests and shores.

Toymany Jackass Penguin Figurine Toy-front

Jackass Penguin

Named for its distinctive braying calls, this unique species marks its presence by breeding along Africa's coasts.

Toymany Macaroni Penguin Figurine Toy

Macaroni Penguin

Boasts a flamboyant yellow crest, congregating in large, noisy colonies on sub-Antarctic islands, a sight to behold.

Toymany Gentoo Penguin Figurine Toy

Gentoo Penguin

With a bright red bill and swift underwater speed, it navigates the cold waters, reaching speeds up to 36 km/h.

Toymany Little Penguin Figurine Toy-2

Little Penguin

The smallest penguin species, known for its blue feathers and evening group marches on Australian and New Zealand shores.

Toymany Emperor Penguin Figurine Toy

Emperor Penguin

The tallest and heaviest of all, enduring the harsh Antarctic winter to breed, a testament to extreme survival.

Toymany Adelie Penguin Figurine Toy

Adelie Penguin

Distinguished by its classic black and white coloring with unique white eye rings, thrives across the Antarctic coast.

Toymany King Penguin Figurine Toy

King Penguin

Exhibits vivid orange-yellow plumage, ranking as the second largest penguin, engaging in a notably long breeding cycle.